Casas Colgadas Restaurante

Guide Michelin
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Bewertung des Guide Michelin
The experience of eating in one of the city’s iconic “hanging houses” is one not to be missed and this is certainly the case in this restaurant next to the striking Museo de Arte Abstracto Español, where entry is controlled by a code that you are sent when making a booking. In its meticulous contemporary-style interior, which has nevertheless retained its delightfully attractive original wooden beams, guests can enjoy unique views of the Huécar river gorge while savouring the concise Volver or Cocinamos Cuenca tasting menus, the latter offerings courses such as trout, radish, sardines, cheese, wine, walnuts, hare, Judía de la Virgen white beans, the delicious pigeon, and beetroot. Chef Jesús Segura has developed his repertoire around locally sourced ingredients while revising culinary traditions from a thoroughly modern and highly personal perspective: “my passion is translating the ancestral legacy of our grandparents as well as their exhaustive knowledge about wild herbs from the area, so that this expertise is not lost”.
Canónigos16001 Cuenca