- CITY VIEW BUDGET HOTEL M S M near sea beach and temple - prime location8.8Puri
- SEA VIEW HOTEL P R E M I U M H O M E T O W N near sea beach and temple10.0Puri
- Hotel AnviTitlāgarh
- SEA BEACH HOTEL M K P G R A N D near sea beach and templePuri
- CITY VIEW HOTEL M G P near sea beach and templePuri
- CITY VIEW HOTEL C I T Y S T A R near temple and sea beach10.0Puri
- BEACH HOTEL L U X A R Y C O R A L - Swimming Pool with Fully Air Conditioned and Spacious Room10.0Puri
- SEABEACH HOTEL M D R near sea beach - Excellent Service Recommended10.0Puri
- CITY VIEW HOTEL S W S T I K near temple and sea10.0Puri
- Chanakya HotelCuttack
- Ende der Ergebnisse -